Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Smiles and Stretches

Nolan's favorite morning activity is a vigorous stretching routine. After being wrapped up in his "burrito" at night he loves reaching his arms straight up into the air for a few minutes in the morning. Very funny to hear him grunt like an old man as he stretches. He has also started smiling a bit which is exciting for his mom and dad!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sour Grapes Half Marathon

I tackled my second half marathon of the summer over the past weekend in Brainerd, Minnesota. My good friend Tony and I had been looking for an early June half marathon to run and thought that this race would be perfect.

Little did we know what we were in store for. The race description claimed that the race was an off-road race on surfaces of dirt and sand with "subtle and challenging hills." We also recieved an email from the race director before the race telling us that you will not get your PR (personal record) on this course. That would be prove to be more than true.

The first mile included some of the steepest hills I have ever run up and down. They were steep enough that you were unable to run down the hills, you were forced to step down them to avoid tumbling head over heels. It was at this point that I wondered aloud if these were considered "subtle" hills. A runner next to us confirmed it by saying "the whole 13 miles is like this". While he wasn't entirely accurate, the rest of the course did prove to be just about as challenging. The highlight or lowlight depending on how you look at it was a 200 yard section uphill in deep sand. I now know what running uphill on a beach would feel like. Overall a very pretty and scenic course with a lot of shade which was nice but just a brutal course for running 13 miles. I think I need to run it again next year knowing what I am in store for!


Sitting around my parents home last November in a post turkey Thanksgiving haze I was having an interesting conversation with my cousin Tyson and her husband Mark. We were talking about working out and fitness and they asked me what I have been up to. I confessed that I was really good in the summer about running and working out but from about October to February I pretty much just lifted the remote control and "ran" to the fridge.

They said they had been doing an interesting workout called P90X. They said it was alot of fun, challenging and they were seeing great results. They are also both military men and women so I knew if it was good enough for them it would be good enough for me. I started using this workout routine last November and have to say it has been pretty great overall. Last night Danielle got the "all clear" to resume working out after her C-section and she was introduced for the first time to their intense workouts. Here are my pros and cons on P90X:


  1. Very little equipment needed. I have 20lb dumbells, a yoga mat and a resistance band. I also use the deck behind the house to do pullups. That is it for my "home gym".
  2. Not having to drive anywhere to work out. Maybe not a problem for some people but for someone like me looking for an excuse to not work out this takes that option away.
  3. Variety. The workouts are scheduled for you and make alot of sense. After you kill your arms one day, the next workout hits a totally different area and lets you recover a bit.
  4. Pretty quick results. If you do the workouts and follow the schedule there is no way you won't see results in 3 months.
  5. You can workout at home with a partner. I am excited that Danielle can start joining the workouts.


  1. Time. The workouts are long - at least 1 hour per day, 6 days a week is the recommended schedule with some workouts being 90 minutes.
  2. Brutal. The workouts are not for the faint of heart. The first couple of weeks I was stiff and sore continually.

All in all I think P90X is a great way to get back into shape and stay in shape. I am looking forward to seeing if my wife agrees!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Getting Peed On

Danielle and I each have our roles when we decide to give Nolan a bath. Her role is to run the bathwater, get his towel and baby lotion ready. Mine is to get Nolan, strip him down and bring him into the bathroom.

Last night I had him all ready to put in the tub but before I put him in the water I test it with my hand to be sure it is not too hot. Of course he chooses that split second to start spraying. At that point I was stuck. Do I let him just drench my shirt and shorts or do I quick try and put him in the tub but probably have him spray down the whole bathroom before I can get him in the tub?

I decided on option #1 and just let him drench me. I was covered from chest to knees. Unbelievable that his bladder is that big! Not sure if I learned anything from this scenario but a funny story nonetheless.