Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Track Meet

Nolan competed in his first track meet this evening.  He did pretty well and seemed to take after mom and dad in his love of running.  He said, "more running" after each race.  He ran a 50 meter dash and a 100 meter dash.  For both races, he was slow off the starting blocks since he was looking his competition over and sizing them up.  He got 2nd place in both races but seemed to get side tracked by a pretty little girl a couple of lanes over and wanted to go visit with her until dad called him back to reality and the race! All in all, it was a successful first meet!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mini photo shoot

While at the lake last weekend, we went on a little adventure during the day Saturday since it was too windy on our side of the lake for any boating or outdoor activities.  We tried a park in town but they were in the process of redoing it so there was one fire truck and that was it.  None the less, Nolan found walking on the old dock fun just as fun as any playground.  I took the chance to snap away and got a couple of good pics of him.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two Years OLD!

I realized that we haven't posted pictures from the big 2 year old birthday bash... Nolan loved the day with family and friends.  He loves the trike from MiMi and Papa and the tools from Auntie and Uncle were a HUGE hit too.