Monday, August 29, 2011

Minnow water

Last week the city held a block party for the incoming college students.  The office had a booth handing out slush which Nolan really enjoyed helping at.  We took a few minutes and walked around the block party and did a few activities that other businesses had to offer.  My friend Janna had minnow races at her booth.  Nolan and I were going to race our minnows but Nolan didn't understand the concept of blowing out through the straw and instead, took a big swig of minnow water in! He didn't seem too concerned about it though and finally did get the minnow to race away down the tube.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Nolan finally figured out that he really doesn't need mom and dad's help in order to do a somersault. He was pretty proud of himself when he mastered the skill.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nolan Ryan???

Last weekend at the lake, Nolan was working on his swing.  I caught some priceless pictures of his face mid swing.  The pictures speak to his personality... he does things with all his might... if he chooses to do them!