Friday, November 20, 2009


Nolan has gone back to his pacifier but not for the same reasons! He is now a fan of chewing on it from all angles except the correct way. We also gave him a teething biscuit the other day. He wasn't sure what to make of it. He is growing up so quickly. As I type this post, he just pulled himself up to standing along side the couch, trying to get to the computer to help. At this point his help is not needed!

A Fun Game With Dad

One of Nolan's favorite activites is sitting on my knees, grabbing my hair and having me rub my head against his belly. He gets the giggles and is usually howling in laughter by the time we are done. It's a nice weapon to have when he is getting fussy. Is there anything better than a little kid laughing?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sucking My Thumb

A few weeks ago Nolan decided that he had had enough of his pacifier and it was time to move on to bigger and better things. Namely his thumb. It was very strange, he had loved his pacifier pretty much from day one and now has decided he wants nothing to do with it. We were hoping to get him back to his pacifier and off his thumb since that is an easier habit to break when the time comes: so far no luck!