Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No More Swaddling!

Danielle decided to get brave a few weeks ago while I was away for a night and give Nolan a try at sleeping with his arms unswaddled. Amazingly he did quite well and has been sleeping in a "sleep sack" with his arms loose for a couple of weeks now.
What a relief for us as we were fully expecting that Nolan would probably need to go to his first day of school with a swaddle on or at the very least we were expecting a bad week or two of sleeping while trying to break him of wearing the swaddle at night. It has been so great to just lay him into his crib and night and not be cinching up a swaddling blanket that is either too big or too small!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hanging with the cousins

We were able to get Nolan together with his 2 cousins a few weeks ago. Fun to see how much the little ones have changed in 4 months and what a character Kylar is turning into! He is a great big brother and sure loves his little cousin Nolan.