Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wii Tennis

We pulled out the Wii the other night.  It typically doesn't get used except to watch reruns of the Cozby Show and Thomas the Train on NetFlix but Nick actually put in a game. Nolan was curious about how it all worked and got a bit of tennis practice in.  He actually did pretty well with his technique! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sheriff Woody

Nolan dressed as Woody from Toy Story for our church's Trunk or Treat party last night.  He was so excited about his outfit that he was even asking kids that he saw, "you like my costume?" He also wanted to wear the outfit this morning when he woke up!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Funny faces

Just a few priceless faces of someone enjoying one of the last warm days of summer in the backyard!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Nolan loves watching the Shrek movies. Over the weekend we rented the latest movie for him and he got quite the kick out of watching Shrek change dirty diapers!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Minnow water

Last week the city held a block party for the incoming college students.  The office had a booth handing out slush which Nolan really enjoyed helping at.  We took a few minutes and walked around the block party and did a few activities that other businesses had to offer.  My friend Janna had minnow races at her booth.  Nolan and I were going to race our minnows but Nolan didn't understand the concept of blowing out through the straw and instead, took a big swig of minnow water in! He didn't seem too concerned about it though and finally did get the minnow to race away down the tube.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Nolan finally figured out that he really doesn't need mom and dad's help in order to do a somersault. He was pretty proud of himself when he mastered the skill.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nolan Ryan???

Last weekend at the lake, Nolan was working on his swing.  I caught some priceless pictures of his face mid swing.  The pictures speak to his personality... he does things with all his might... if he chooses to do them!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gimpy leg

Nolan has been known to be a little lazy from time to time and it has reached an all time high lately! He and I recently spent a little time in the cities with Auntie and Uncle and the cousins.  I needed to make a quick stop at a camera store while we were down there.  It was about 98 degrees and 100% humidity mind you,  and I was trying to get Nolan to walk with me around the block to find the camera store.  Nolan apparently deals with heat as well as I do! As soon as we started walking he said that he wanted to be carried.  I wasn't about to lug a 35 pound child around in 98 degrees and 100% humidity so I told him to walk.  At this point, he started to melt down... He started crying and saying, "my legs broken mama" and proceeded to drag one gimpy leg behind him.  Where in the world did he learn this???? We finally made it to the store and calmed down.  I wish I had thought to pull out the camera at that moment and take a picture of his gimpy leg but that was the last thing on my mind at the moment!  So, here is just a random picture of his innocent little face.  Don't be fool though, he is the puppet master!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Track Meet

Nolan competed in his first track meet this evening.  He did pretty well and seemed to take after mom and dad in his love of running.  He said, "more running" after each race.  He ran a 50 meter dash and a 100 meter dash.  For both races, he was slow off the starting blocks since he was looking his competition over and sizing them up.  He got 2nd place in both races but seemed to get side tracked by a pretty little girl a couple of lanes over and wanted to go visit with her until dad called him back to reality and the race! All in all, it was a successful first meet!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mini photo shoot

While at the lake last weekend, we went on a little adventure during the day Saturday since it was too windy on our side of the lake for any boating or outdoor activities.  We tried a park in town but they were in the process of redoing it so there was one fire truck and that was it.  None the less, Nolan found walking on the old dock fun just as fun as any playground.  I took the chance to snap away and got a couple of good pics of him.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two Years OLD!

I realized that we haven't posted pictures from the big 2 year old birthday bash... Nolan loved the day with family and friends.  He loves the trike from MiMi and Papa and the tools from Auntie and Uncle were a HUGE hit too. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Police Car

For Nolan's recent birthday, he received a police car from mom and dad.  It is a huge hit!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Big Boy Bed

We have graduated to a big boy bed! A couple of weeks ago, Nolan and I were downstairs playing where his future mattress was being stored and I asked him if he would like to have a big boy bed in his room.  He responded with a resounding "yes" because he says "yes" to almost everything these days.  So I had my answer and we promptly began to move it upstairs, just the two of us. I did most of the work but I had a little boy at the other end saying "push push."  Once we got it upstairs, I just made up the bed on the floor in his room for a few days to see how the transition would go before venturing to take apart his crib. The transition has gone great! He has done superbly and there has only been one morning when he must have heard us get up early and was bold enough to get out of bed.  He went to his door and knocked a few times.  There were no words, just pitiful little knocks.  We have since taken apart the crib and made it into his big boy bed.  He loves to run in there and be able to fling himself onto his bed or to catch a quick read! We try to remind him every time we put him to bed that he must stay in bed until we come to get him and now he says "stay in bed" if we fail to mention it!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dapper Dan

We just got back from the big city and thought we'd post a couple of pictures from our Easter adventure.  Nolan had a handsome suit for the occasion and looked quite dapper.  The one picture shows that Cousin Ky had a matching suit and was also quite a handsome man!  The kiddos had a quick egg hunt between church and brunch.  Both of Nolan's cousins were pro-egg hunters while Nolan took a more leisurely approach to the hunt.  He was more concerned with the treats that were in the eggs than actually finding the eggs!  So much so, that he resorted to picking treats out of the grass that dropped out of his egg rather than trying to find another egg.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Never a dull moment

This post won't include pictures since I didn't have my camera to capture the moments. If I did have pictures though, you would see a look of horror on my face!

The other day while Nolan and I were out shopping at Walmart, we passed a smelly man in the isle. I used my good manners and ignored the smell and kept walking but Nolan was a different story. He got a whiff of the man and immediately scrunched up his little nose and before I had a chance to say anything, Nolan loudly declares, "SMELLY... POO POO... SMELL ICKY!" I am not sure if the man got the hint but I quickly walked away from the situation and got the heck out of dodge!

The second moment must be a testament of how often Nolan has been misbehaving lately and how much time he is spending in his room in "timeout". We were in the living room playing yesterday and all of the sudden Nolan got up and picked up his doll. He took off like he was on a mission. He ran into his room and came back without his doll. He turned to me and said, "baby timeout!" Then a minute later, he ran back into his room and I could hear him ask his baby "ready?" We do this to Nolan after we go back to get him and ask him if he is ready to behave. Apparently he knows the routine of being in timeout well!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Life in the fast lane

Even though it is currently snowing like Christmas as I type this, it is spring out there... at least a few days ago it was! Nolan has been a busy little boy riding around on his "bike" and spending every moment that we will let him outside. He loves jumping in the puddles and as you saw on the last post, he loves to put his feet up on his bike and go for a ride.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Riding Bike

Nolan has loved the spring weather the past few days. With the temps in the 40's he can actually get outside for more than about 30 seconds which he really enjoys. He has taken a liking to riding his little bike down the driveway. He puts his feet up and lets gravity do the rest.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Nolan has been learning what the word "imagination" means from his favorite video Boz. He has seen on the video that he can use his imagination and pretend to be playing the guitar. Here is his most recent concert!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blending Treats

One of Nolan's favorite things in the world is
"treats." Just like his parents one of his favorite treats is ice cream. Once in a while we mix up some ice cream and toppings in the blender. Nolan loves the end result but is not so fond of the loud process! Here are a few pics from the last blending experience.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Florida 2011

We just got back from the annual Florida family vacation. The weather wasn't great again so we mostly went swimming in the heated pool and took a few trips to places around the area. Here are some pictures from the week.

The one of Nick and Nolan is from a carnival that was set up at the mall near us. Nolan LOVED the rides and had no fear. He went on the swings and Ferris Wheel twice along with a few other rides.

We spent a little time a the beach even though it was chilly and tried making a sand castle with Uncle and Cousin. Nolan wasn't a great help in the building process. He was better at destruction!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Music Man

Grandma gave Nolan a couple of harmonicas and he has been practicing his skills. Last night he put on a great performance!